
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Speech Room Tour

I've loved seeing pictures on blogs and Facebook of everyone's speech room!  After switching schools, my room is finally ready for the little ones (preschoolers and kindergarteners) to start on Monday!  I thought I would share...

My Door Sign:

 (Yup, it's Pinterest inspired.  Here's the original pin from Personal Pizazz by Lindsey.)

View from the Door:

To the right of the door is my workspace.

(I don't actually have a desk, these cubbies came with the room and could not be moved.  I figured I'd rather use them as a workspace than add a desk to the room).   *Ignore the ancient computer.  It will be removed soon!

Across from my workspace:

 More cubbies!  I use these to store my therapy books, binders, etc.

To the left of the door is my closet:

Are you noticing more Pinspiration here?  On the closet, I have three pizza pans from the Dollar Store spray painted black and attached with Velcro.  I did this so I could use magnets on the door.  The pin I originally saw used oven burner covers.  On the other door is a file folder organizer pinned from Remarkable Home. I'm using it to store frequently used papers...language sample forms and data collection sheets.

Inside the Closet:

Because I know some of you were wondering!  ;)

To the Right of the Closet: 

Cheap bookshelf I've had for a while...I covered the games and toys with a fabric curtain that attaches with Velcro.  Out of sight, out of mind!  The milk crates on top hold larger books that don't fit where I store my other books (see below).

To the Left of the Closet:

Another bookshelf for my testing materials.  I didn't really need the curtain here, (I don't typically have kids begging to participate in testing) but it looks less cluttered this way.

Some close-ups:

This is how I organize most of my children's books (They're in file cabinet drawers).  At my last school, I didn't have a great bookshelf for storing these types of books.  I started storing the books this way out of necessity.  I ended up liking it, so it stuck!

"Let's Talk" Sign:

Another Pinterest find!  Here's the original from Laura from Oh, How Pintearesting!

Schedule board:

Just a sample of how I organize my speech sessions.  With most of my expressive language/articulation kiddos, I start with the Word FLIPS (For Learning Intelligible Production of Speech) book from Super Duper, Inc.  I use it for 3-5 minutes at the start of my sessions.  It's a great warm-up for expressive/articulation activities.  Also, it a good preschool vocabulary building activity!

Bulletin Board:

Did you notice these?  I usually start the year with "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud.  I scanned pages of the book to make the signs "Don't Be a Bucket Dipper!" and "Be a Friend ~ Fill a Bucket!"  I also found the cute little tin pail in the Dollar Spot at Target.  I'm going to be writing more about this book in an upcoming Guest Post on Let's Talk Speech-Language Pathology, so keep your eyes peeled!

Well, that's it!  A little peek inside my world!

What's your favorite, less than conventional, organizational trick?

PS, Did you see the "BEFORE" pictures on the Facebook page???