
Friday, October 19, 2012

Artic Cards

Thank goodness it's Friday...and Thank Goodness for Super Duper's Jumbo Artic Drill Book!!!

Somewhere in my move from one school to another, I lost my /k/ cards!!! Oh the horror!  I have a group of students working on /k/, so we've been using the cards from Artic Chipper Chat until I could find my lost cards.  Well, we're now more than half-way through October and I still can't find them. :(  So, I started making a new set.

Many SLP Bloggers have written about what they use/how they make their articulation cards, so here's my method.  I've been using the Jumbo Artic Drill Book for years to make cards.  I would photocopy the page I wanted (2 copies), color the pictures, paste them on a half index card, then laminate.  I always make 2 of each artic card so we can use them to play memory or go fish.  I'm guessing I'm not alone in that!  Here are some of my /l/ cards:

Fast forward a few years and I'm still using the Jumbo Artic Drill Book to make cards.  The only difference now is that I've acquired the Drill Book Add-on with CD ROM!

Now I can print in color and save myself the step of coloring in all the pictures!!!! (Time saver & life saver! Especially when you lose one of your most frequently used card sets!)

My new /k/ cards in progress:

And completed:

Do you purchase or make artic cards?  If you make them, what's your method?