
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Book(s) of the Week: Little Red Riding Hood & Honestly Red Riding Hood Was Rotten

This week's first Book of the Week is "Little Red Riding Hood."

I found this adorable doll at a local craft fair in the fall.  Basically you start with Little Red, then you flip her dress over her head and you get Grandma.  Turn grandma's hat over her face and you have the wolf.  How cute is it?!?  Most of my kids were impressed and thought the doll was magic! The lady who makes them makes dolls for other stories too (click HERE for her website).

After reading the story, I used the comprehension questions and category sorting activities from Jenna's (Speech Room News) Little Red Riding Hood Preschool-Kindergarten Speech/Language Companion from TPT.

For the older kiddos, try this version (Book of the Week #2):

Honestly, Red Riding Hood Was Rotten!; The Story of Little Red Riding Hood as Told by the Wolf is a clever variation.  In this story, the wolf is a "vegetarian" who prefers apples.  However, the apples are all gone and Red Riding Hood happens to run into the wolf when he hasn't eaten in weeks.  (Spoiler/Warning:  The wolf does eat Red and Granny in this version, so you may not want to read it with kids who would be upset by that).

There are some higher level language expressions that you may want to pre-teach (examples "the apple didn't fall far from the tree," "she looked as plump and juicy as an apple, etc."  If you didn't notice, there are a whole lot of apple references in this story...Crispin, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, etc.  Red Riding Hood and Granny are drawn to resemble red and green apples as well!

Here's a free download to work on some of the expressions used in the story:

You can download this activity HERE.  Let me know what you think!