
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Book of the Week: A Color of His Own

Here's another one of my favorite books for preschoolers - "A Color of His Own" by Leo Lionni

You've seen the story, right?  All animals have a color of their own, except chameleons.  On leaves they are green, on tigers they are striped, etc.  He always changes and there's no one else like him...until he meets another chameleon and the two decide to stick together, that way they will always be alike.

I found this cute chameleon pattern from Mailbox Magazine.  I printed it on transparency:

After reading the story, we discuss what the chameleon would look like if...he was on the chalkboard, if he was on the carpet, if he was on Suzie's shirt.  I make sure to select a variety of surfaces for this little guy so we can work on many different descriptor words.  This activity is great for "If...then..." statements as well ("If I wanted the chameleon to be pink, then I would put him on a pig." "If the chameleon was on Suzie's shirt, then he would be striped").

For my littlest guys, I printed the chameleon on scrapbook paper and also used the die-cut machine to make large, matching leaves.  The students then describe the chameleons (to the best of their abilities) and match them to the corresponding leaf:

What other activities do you use to accompany this book?