
Sunday, May 12, 2013

BHSM Link Up!

Laura over at Oh, How Pintearesting started another fun link-up! Do you remember her March link-up? Well this one is similar and is a great way for us to celebrate BHSM!

Basically, you start with the image below. Notice the BHSM acrostic? Very clever of Laura! :)

And add your own responses (I used Pixlr). Here are my responses:

Buying: As you know, Teachers Pay Teachers just had its huge Teacher Appreciation Sale! One of the purchases I made that I'm most excited about is the Knuffle Bunny Speech & Language book companion by Jenn at Crazy Speech World. This has been one of my favorite books for a while, but I've (for no particular reason) stopped using it in therapy. I'm so excited to use it again thanks to this awesome resource! (Thanks Jenn!!!) (Knuffle Bunny Amazon Link)

Hearting: I'm totally hearting the weather! I love not needing to wear a coat. I love the sunshine. I love seeing flowers everywhere! What's not to love about springtime!?!

Sharing: If you missed it, my fellow speechies and myself are sharing all sorts of information with our co-workers during BHSM. You can read more info on that HERE.

Making: I just got some new clip art, so I'm making some new FREEBIES! Check back later this week for one of them. I'm hoping to have another ready for next week! I still have some more clip art ready to go, so if you have specific target requests, let me know!

Now it's your turn!

Here are the rules:

1) You are free to mention your own products, but if you do that, please put in items from someone else. The purpose is networking.
2) Give credit where credit is due - link to original ideas, blog posts, TpT/TN stores, Pinterest, etc.
3) After submitting your blog, visit four more blogs and make comments.

Don't forget to add your link to Laura's original post (HERE).