
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Life Cycle of a Frog

One of my classrooms has been learning about the life cycles recently.  They're learning about caterpillars and butterflies, eggs and chicks, and tadpoles and frogs.  So, when I found this adorable clip art from Kari Bolt on TPT, I knew I had to create something for them!

By the way, they actually have a real tadpole in their classroom!


I decided to create a simple book outlining the Life Cycle of a Frog.  This is a full-color 6 page (full pages) book that describes the sequence of a Frog's Life Cycle:

Here's what the title page looks like:

So the kids would be able to have something to take home and share what they are learning with their families, I also created a mini-booklet.  This mini-booklet is identical to the large one, but on half-pages and in black and white.  This makes it easier for you to photocopy!  Also, I set up the pages so that you could make one cut, staple, and go (no sorting the pages!):

Cut w/ my handy-dandy paper slicer!

Finished mini-booklet

Here's a sample page from the mini-booklet:

You can download this freebie HERE.  Please leave me a comment or feedback if you do!  Do you teach life cycles with your students?  What's your favorite life cycle to teach?