Last year I shared one of my all time favorite stories with you... "Apple Trouble" by Ragnhild Scamell and Michael Terry. (You can view my original blog post on the story HERE.
This just so happens to be the book I'm using in my therapy sessions this week! I was thinking of skipping the Book of the Week post this week since I've already shared this fabulous book with you, but I did add a few things this year that you might be interested in.
First, I added a Book Companion for this story to my TPT store, so we've been using portions of that to target negatives, prepositions, and vocabulary:
Next, I adapted this Hedgehog Play Dough activity that I saw on Pediastaff. We worked on describing parts of an object, following directions, making requests (I gave the students only 1-2 pegs at a time!), and comparisons (between the stuffed animal and play dough). In some groups we added the nose, ears, arms, legs, eyes, and quills. Others were happy with just eyes and quills. I'm going to use the same activity in artic groups and give them one peg for every 3 productions of target words. It was amazing to see how many (and how few) details the students observed.
I promise that next week's book will be a new one! Until then, what are your favorite hedgehog games/activities?