Monday, December 10, 2012

Penguin Plurals FREEBIE

This week in my speech room, I'm continuing my Gingerbread theme.  I figured some of you may want to get ready for January though, so I'm going to be posting some of my Winter themed activities this week!

I don't know if this is country-wide, but Massachusetts just passed a new Educator Evaluation System.  As a result, we all (teachers, SLPs, OTs, PTs, etc.) have to write up smart goals for student improvement and professional practice.

For my plan, I noticed that many of my just-turned-three preschool students had significantly reduced MLU (< 2.0).  Because of this, I wrote a goal to increase MLU in a cohort of these students (I know that probably sounds weird since increasing MLU is a goal for most of our students) and to research EBP methods for increasing MLU.  What better way to increase MLU than to increase use of morphological markers?

Here's an activity I plan to use...The penguin graphic is from Scrappin' Doodles.  All other graphics are from Graphics Factory.

It's actually a modified version of an activity I created a few years ago.  There are 24 cards with penguins holding a piece of paper containing objects (regular plurals only).  There are 8 plural nouns with each type of plural ending (/s/, /z/ and/ez/).  You can ask students to simply name the plural noun or use a carrier phrase (e.g., “The penguin wants/has two dogs” ). 

You can download a copy here.  If you do, let me know what you think!  (For some reason, when I converted to a PDF, one of the pages turned upside down, but the content is unchanged.  Not sure how to fix it right now.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause!)

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